Review of Meeting (6th December 2005)
Members in attendance: AC Fong, Audrey, Belinda, Lakhmichand, Muhendaran, Letchu, Rengan, Shan + 4 guests.
Many members could not attend due to out-station engagements, busy ar work etc.
However it was an interesting meeting.
TME was Muhendaran. TTM was Shan, and the topics were well received. Even 2 of the guest took part. The assignment speeches were delievered by Muhendaran, Belinda, Letchu - topics ranging from overseas trip, shampoo and motivating. Evaluations were in my view excellent and the evaluators deserve a round of applause.
Our GE for the day was Rengan, did a commandable job and in addition he gave constructive views to improve our meetings.
Overall, the meeting was good despite a small turn-out. It is encouraged for members to attend meetings on a regular basis.
by Muhendaran, ATMS
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