Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Review of Meeting (16 May 2006)

Attendees: Bavani, AC Fong, Lucky, Muhendaran, Rema Paul, Renuka, Shan, Shandini, Suria Kumar
Guests: Francis Ng, Janice Ooi, Yip Bun Shi

The role players:

SAA : Shan
TME: Lucky
TTM: Renuka
TTE: Muhendaran
GE: Janice Ooi
AH: Suria Kumar
Grammarian: Rema Paul
Timer: Francis Ng

Word of the day: EVOLUTION (meaning: consistently evolving, changing)

Our grand old master of Bangsar Toastmasters was in charge of the day's meeting. He did a great job in keeping the meeting lively till the end. We were small in numbers for the meeting but with Lucky in charge, it didnt affect the meeting even slightly. You know they say, you need the right tool for the job, likewise we need Lucky in Bangsar Club.

There were 3 assignment speeches, starting with our still new member, Bavani, who did her 3rd speech from the C& L Manual. She was also voted as the Best Speaker of the day. Congrats to her.

The second speech of the day was from our guest speaker, Yip Bun Shi of IEM Toastmasters, who did his 2nd speech from the C&L Manual.

The third speech was from me. I did my 10th speech from the C&L Manual. I am a CTM now unofficially. I have passed the first milestone on being a Toastmaster but still have the feeling that I just joined Toastmasters.

Evaluators: Francis Ng, Ivan Fong, Renuka

The GE of the day felt that the club is evolving really fast as she had visited the club before and she felt that alot of changes have taken place. The GE was also thrilled to see so many new faces in the club as well as the old faces.

Table topics session was conducted Renuka. Most of the topics were opinion based. Speakers really entertained all of us with hillarious comments and stories.

by: Shan CTM