Thursday, April 27, 2006

Review of Meeting (18 April 2006)

Attendees: Bavani, AC Fong, Lechumanan, Lucky, Lourdes, Dr. Marie, Muhendaran, Ranjit, Renuka, Shandini,

The meeting started at 7.35 pm.

The meeting was synchronized by our new member but an old timer to Toastmasters, ATMB Renuka as the TME. The word of the day was "synchronize" and the theme was "together we grow". Though we were small in numbers it turned out to be a good meeting that benefited the members.

The table topics master, TM Lechumanan came up with topics which were hilarious. His topics centered mostly on hotel experience. Following Toastmasters took part - Lourdes, Bavani, Shandini, Renuka and Ac Fong. The fierce competition was won by Renuka who related to us about her paranoid character with good command of the language.

Table topic evaluation was done by me for the first time ever. There seems to be so much for me to improve. I shall take note of it.

We had only two prepared speeches for the day and both were advanced speeches from Ranjit and AC Fong. Both speakers were outstanding with their command of the language and managed to deliver their speech with ease. Ranjit's speech title was "Can't Live With Her, Cant Live Without Her", while AC Fong's speech title was "What Drives You Nuts". Both speakers came up with very attractive speech titles I must say!

The speech evaluators were ATMB Lucky and ATMS Muhendaran for Ranjit and AC Fong respectively. Both evaluators gave their honest and constructive evaluations. I am sure the speakers have taken note of the comments given.

The role players:

SAA: TM Shan
TME: ATMB Renuka
Invocation: DTM Lourdes
TTM: TM Lechumanan
TTE: TM Shan
Humor Master: ATMB LUCKY/CTM Ranjit
AH Counter/ Grammarian: TM Bavani
Timer: TM Shandini

The meeting ended with valuable remarks from the GE for the day: ATMB Dr. Marie who has visited our club before. The GE was impressed with our new meeting place, the art gallery.

The president in his closing remarks reminded the members of the next office bearers’ election which will be held during the next meeting.

by: Shan

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Review of Meeting (04 April 2006)

Attendees: Audrey, Bavani, Ivan Fong, Lakhmichand, Lourdes, Muhendaran, Parimalar, Rema, Rengan, Renuka, Shan and Shandini.
Gests: Area Governor Francis Ng, the God-loving Paul Tan, Mohan and Sumathi.

Meeting started on time as usual, let’s give ourselves a pat on our backs; we never fail to do this every time we meet! Then again, we can never be arrogant about such things, for ego always leads to downfall of even mega-empires.

For this meeting we had a first-timer Toastmaster of the Evening, yours truly, Ranjit Singh.

The session got rolling with Ivan Fong at his best with thought provoking topics for the table topic session, all tailored around the word of the day – “CREDIBLE” !! You are incredible Ivan! Renuka, our new baby (she is made of bronze, mind you... so not really a baby) deservingly won the session. A class act Renuka!

Moving on to the prepared speeches scene... Bavani made a grand entrance, winning the best speaker award while doing only her second speech. Congratulations Bavani! We were then given a dosage of Hitlerism, thanks to our abstract Shan. Then Rema took the stage, I have to say this is the stage really... Rema lovingly roasted her husband “The Viking”, the setting being their 10th wedding anniversary. There you are! Anyone game to have a go at someone you know? All in the name of toastmasters! Finally, we were brought to our senses by a no-nonsense talk by Muhendaran. Aptly, reminding us our status and our responsibility. Let’s each and every one of us do something for our very own Bangsar Toastmasters Club.

Then the authorities were brought out, led by Lourdes (albeit a milder Lourdes this time). Evaluation was conducted by Paul Tan, Renuka, Ivan Fong and Lakhmichand. The every green, Lakhmichand or rather Lucky as we all love to call him, was honored as the best evaluator for the night.

The night ended on a high note with everyone feeling great and still fresh after a long day.

by Ranjit Singh, CTM

Wishing ALL Our Celebrating Friends!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

5th Anniversary Celebrations

Read all about our 5th Anniversary Celebrations at:
click here